In Hindu religion, you must have ever heard of 8400000 cohorts in the Puranas. The person we are living in the vagina is also one of those fourteen million donkeys. Now the problem is that many people do not understand what exactly is the meaning of this vagina? It is also sad to see that today's educated new generation winks and laughs about how many such cohorts can be. Maybe because of their limited knowledge they do not understand it properly. In Garuda Purana, the glands are described in detail. So let's try to understand it today.

First of all, is there a question that is it possible for an organism to be born in so many vaginae? So the answer is - yes. One organism, which we also call soul, keeps on wandering in 8400000 vaginalis. That is, after death, they are born in any one of 8400000 vaginae. We all know that the soul is immortal and that is why this is the reason that after death, he holds another body in another vagina. Now the question is what is the meaning of "vagina" here? If understood in easy language, the meaning of the vagina is the race (breed), which in English we call the Species. That is, whatever types of castes in this world are called a vagina. Not only do these species come to humans and animals, but trees, plants, bacteria, viruses etc. are also counted in 8400000 cohorts.

Today's science has developed very much and after the researchers of biological sciences around the world, it has come to the conclusion that on this earth today there are about 87,000,000 species of animals and vegetation. There are about 2-3 lakh castes in these 87 lakh castes which you can classify as sub-castes of main castes. That is, if only talked about main castes, it is about 84 lakhs. Now let's just imagine how advanced science and science should have been in our Hindu religion, that thousands of years ago our sages and mothers had told them only on the basis of their knowledge that there are 8400000 cohorts which, by today's advanced technology, Very close to the calculated calculations.
According to Hindu religion, it is said to be born in these 84 lakhs of a vagina, the cycle of birth and death. Whatever organism is exempt from this cycle of birth and death, i.e., which completes the calculations of its 84 lakhs vagina and does not need to be born in any other vagina, only that we obtain "salvation" Says to do The real meaning of salvation is to get out of the cycle of birth and death and become absorbed in the Lord. It has also been said that after getting birth in all the other vagina, the man gets vagina. The number of donors coming before the human vagina is 8000000 (eighty million). That is, the person we are born in the vagina is so rare that after all the sufferings of all the vagina, we get it. And since man is the last stomach, where the creatures reach due to the virtues of their many births, the human vagina is considered to be the best means of achieving salvation. Especially in Kaliyug, the person who practices virtue by staying away from sin is more likely to attain liberation. Getting salvation in any other vagina is not as simple as the human being in the vagina. But unfortunately, people do not understand the importance of this, that we are so fortunate that we have been born in humans vagina.

One question is also asked if is it mandatory to reach or reach the vagina of man to get salvation? The answer is - no. Although the human vagina is considered to be the most ideal vagina to attain liberation because the consciousness that is needed in life for salvation is the highest among humans. In addition to this, many Gurujans have also said that humans are the stomach of vaginal salvation and salvation can be found only in humans vagina. However, it is not mandatory that only human beings will attain liberation, not other animals or flora. Many examples of this are found in our Vedas and Puranas that the animals also get salvation directly from their vagina. In the Mahabharata, during the Mahabharata of Pandavas, a dog has come to mention that salvation with him was attained, which was indeed Dharmaraj. In the Mahabharata itself, there is a description of a Nevay at the time of Ashwamedh Yajna, which did not get as much virtue as Yudhishthar's Ashwamedh Yagna, as he received a mantra from a poor person and later. Vishnu and Garuda Purana have described a yard and a customer, who had attained liberation because of Lord Vishnu. He was the Gandharva and Yaj Bhakta Raja in the previous birth, but due to karmic birth, the next birth was born in the animal vagina. One such yaj is described in the story of Gajanan, whose head was placed at the place of the head of Srigansh, and by the grace of Lord Shiva, he attained liberation. In the Mahabharata's Krishna Leela, Shrikrushna had uprooted two trees of "Yamaal" and "Arjun" salt in the game of play in his childhood. He was actually Yemaljuna in the previous birth, who was cursed to be born in a tree vagina. That is, whatever the organism may be in any vagina, it can achieve salvation through its virtuous deeds and true devotion.
Another question is asked whether humans get the vagina at the very end. So the answer is - no. It may be that due to the virtues of your predecessors you have received a man vaginal, but it may also be that due to your sin karma performed after receiving the vagina, you get inferior vaginal in the next life. An example of this can be found in the above stories. Many people also question that people are scared of revealing the fear of the next birth in Hindu scriptures, especially Garuda Purana. Whereas the reality is that according to karma, the description of the next vagina is due to this so that man can avoid doing as much sin as possible.

However, one thing is worth knowing that salvation is very difficult to attain. Even in Satyuga, where sin was part of the zodiac, salvation was very difficult. In Kali Yuga, where part of sin is 15, achieving salvation is very difficult. Although it is said that instead of Satyuga, only thinking of sinful deeds in Kaliyug does not get as much fruit as it does. And some of the virtues performed in Kali Yuga get very much. Many people think that if a person gets a lot due to virtuous virtue, then this means salvation, while it is not so. The realization of heaven is not the attainment of salvation. The realization of heaven is only the result of the good deeds done by you. After enjoying the fruits of your virtue in heaven, you have to be born again in another vagina. That is, you are not free from the cycle of birth and death. In Ramayana and Harivansh Purana, it is said that the simplest means of achieving salvation in Kali Yuga is "Ram-Nam".

In the Puranas, the census of 8400000 cohorts is given in the types of organisms, how many vaginal cells are. In 78/5th Sarg of Padmapuraan it is said:
                                                                  à¤œà¤²à¤œ नवलक्षाणी,
स्थावर लक्षविंशति
कृमयो: रुद्रसंख्यकः
पक्षिणाम् दशलक्षणं
त्रिंशलक्षाणी पशवः
चतुरलक्षाणी मानव
To wit,
Water bodies - 9 00000 (9 million)
Tree - 2000000 (twenty million)
Insect (Atrophy) - 1100000 (eleven lakhs)
Birds - 1000000 (one million)
Wild animals - 3000000 (three million)
Man - 400000 (four lakh)
Thus, 9 00000 + 2000000 + 1100000 + 1000000 + 3000000 + 400000 = total 8400000 vaginalis.

Jainism also has 8400000 cohorts of organisms. There is only a slight difference in the types of organisms in them. According to Jainism:
Earth's - 700,000 (seven lakh)
Jalakya - 700000 (seven lakh)
Agnion - 700000 (seven lakh)
Airway - 700000 (seven lakh)
Botany - 1000000 (one million)
Ordinary Body Creatures (excluding humans) - 1400000 (fourteen million)
Two senses - 200000 (two lakhs)
Three senses - 200000 (two lakhs)
Chaturindrias - 200000 (two lakhs)
Five Points (Triad) - 400,000 (four lakhs)
Five Senses (Dev) - 400000 (four lakhs)
Five Senses (Narcotic Bodies) - 400,000 (four lakhs)
Five Senses (Man) - 1400000 (Fourteen lakhs)
Thus 700000 + 700000 + 700000 + 700000 + 1000000 + 1400000 + 200000 + 200000 + 200000 + 400000 + 400000 + 400000 + 1400000 = Total 8400000
So if you get any further than you have to raise questions about the existence of 8400000 vaginalis or make fun of them, please ask them to read this research. Also, say that we are proud of the fact that in the process of proving the modern / western science it took thousands of years, our scholar sages and saints had proved themselves thousands of years ago. Jai Brahmadev