Rishi Maitreya was a great sage in the Mahabharata carpet. This was the beloved disciple of Maharishi Parashar and his son Vedavya was blessed with grace. He cursed Duryodhana so that he died at the hands of Bhimsen. They were named after their mother "Mitra" and they are also called Kausharan due to their father "Kusharav". Although Maharishi Parashar had taught all the Vedas and Puranas, he was particularly famous as the great speaker of Vishnu Purana. Yudhishtir also invited them in his Rajsu Yagna.

There is a story about their birth that once Maharishi Vyas was going on, then he saw that a worm was trying to cross the road faster. Seeing this, Vedavas asked him why he was crossing the road so fast. Then the worm said, "O Maharishi, there is a bullock cart coming here in a while. I can hear his sound. If by then I do not cross this road, then surely I will get death." Then Maharishi Vyas said, "If you are a fool, then it is better to die than you, why do you want to stay in the insect vagina, it is right that you can get rid of this life and end up in the best vagina." Then the worm said - "Maharishi! Anyone with the vagina of the creature, but he wants to survive while enjoying various kinds of suffering in it." Then Vyasa Muni said, "You will be relieved of your life by being comfortable, and I will be free from all the vaginalitis of your Yogicity until you are born in the best Brahmin vaginal of human beings." Listening to Maharishi's story and believing in him, that worm became still stable and crushed with bullock cart and died.

After that, he was born in the vagina like crows, ceyars, deer, and birds, but with the inspiration of Maharishi Vyas, soon after getting death in all the vagina, he became free. In the end, the man was born as the first Shudra, Vaishya, then the Kshatriya in the vagina and soon became free after death. Eventually, by the grace of Maharishi Vyas, he was born in the total of a Brahmin. In that birth, Maharishi Vyas gave him the initiation of Saraswat Mantra at the age of 5 years. When he was 7, Maharshi Vyas said that "Brahmin Nandabhadra is doing penance for many years in Kartik region but his mind has not been resolved. Go and solve his doubts." By his command, he reached the child Nandabhadra and asked him for his doubts. Seeing such sharpness at the face of an only 7-year-old child, Nandabhadra asked him many secrets of life and death and resolved his doubts. By disarming Nandabhadra, the child abandoned his body while chanting the Sun God for 7 consecutive days in the Badhuh pilgrim. The same child was born again in the next birth as the son of Kushrao and Mitra in the Brahmin vagina and his name was Maitreya.

In that birth, Maharishi Vyas sent him to his father Parashar, who accepted him as his disciple. When Duryodhana defeated Pandavas in gambling and sent them to exile, they reached Hastinapur to explain it. In Hastinapur, Bhishma, Vidur and Maharaj Dhritarashtra honored him with great respect and sent Duryodhana to his place. Then the Maitreya sage explained Duryodhana in such a way that such an illusion is not correct among the brothers and he should respectfully return the state of Pandavas to them. But till the Maitreya Sage kept preaching to her, she constantly kept chasing her litter while laughing. Maitreya cursed him on this indecision that "he who is not respecting his great and perfect man, he surely gets the downfall. I am trying to give you knowledge of religion and you I am cursing you by knocking your thigh and then I curse you that it will be your death at the break of your thigh. "

Because of this curse of Maitreya sage, Bhimsen broke the stooping of Duryodhana in the battle and killed him. When Shri Krishna was ending his Leela, he prayed to Maitreya Rishi to give enlightenment to Mahatma Vishu, because Vipura was very sad because of this great disgrace and had almost become crazy. On Krishna's prayer, Maitreya met at Ganguat from Vidur and resolved their anger by giving them solace in a different manner. They asked Vindur to give enlightenment and to do the industry for Hariprakti.