Best wishes to all of you Ram Navami Ram lives in India's soul. So much has been written on them, what can we write more than that? In short, try to say something. According to Valmiki Ramayana, Ramcharitmanas and Puranas, on this day, Lord Shriram was born in Ayodhya from the womb of Rani Kaushalya as the eldest son of King Dasharatha in Ikshvaku Kul, in the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to Agastya Samhita, on the ninth day of the Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month, when the Sun and Panchagra were sitting on Aries with their auspicious vision in the rearvasa nakshatra, Cancer rituals, then Shriram was born in that very wedding. Today, Goswami Tulsidas started the composition of Ramcharimanas. Along with Ram Navami, Chaitra Navaratri also ends. Today, the men and women keep fast and there is a provision for making the festival.

There is a story related to this fast. At the time of his exile, Shriram came to the house of a poor and old woman with Sita and Lakshman on his birthday, who was his great devotee. Due to having food for him, he could not get food himself so that he had to fast on that day. After the meal, Ram asked him to take a test, "Mai! I want a pearl for my swan, please arrange a lacquer pearl." Now, who is not accustomed to eating two June, where will he bring the pearl? But the guest did not feel well enough to return empty-handed in this way. So he went to the king there and asked for a pearl there. The king laughed and asked how he would return the pearl? Older poor could not answer. The king gave him a false pearl and said that there was no need to return.

She came back and she gave all the pearls to Shriram. Ram took him back with Sita and Laxman. The next day the old man noticed that a pearl tree was found in his cottage. There was no place for his happiness. He thanked the Lord and took two pearls and reached the king. The king asked with surprise, where did you get so much wealth? On this, the old man narrated the whole story. Listening to these mysteries brought lure in the king's mind. He said that give that tree to me. What would the elderly do with that tree? He told the king that he should invite him to my ashram. The king took that tree and put it in his palace. But from that moment on, the tree started to grow thorns. Some of the thorns also entered the hands of his wife, which caused him big trouble. When the king saw this, he apologized to the old man and put the tree back in his cottage. As soon as he reached there, he started pearl in that tree, and the elderly started giving pearls to the monks every day. Thus, whatever the devotee keeps fasting for Ram Navami, Lord Shriram fills him with wealth.

Shriram's Birthday is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. This is especially celebrated in Ayodhya (sub), Sita Committee site (sub), Sitamarhi (Bihar), Bhadrachalam (Telangana), Vontitita (Andhra), Rameswaram (Tamil Nadu) and Janki Pirdham (Nepal). In many places, chariot tours are also taken out, in which there is zodiac of Goddess Sita, Laxman, and Hanuman with Shriram. Shriram has lived his life with simplicity and high ideals. They do not describe any kind of badness. That is why he is also known as 'Amarada Purushottam'. He was also a wonderful ruler. Even today our country is described as Ram-State. The name of Shriram in Kaliyug has a special significance. It is said that the simplest means of receiving heaven and salvation in Kali Yuga is Ram. ..Jai Shree Ram...